Understand the inherently peaceful presence of Awareness the art of Living in the NOW, and see that this peace is not dependent upon the condition of the mind, body or world, just as a screen is not dependent on the quality of the words or images that appear on it.


Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Bill Wilson is on record for having found a solution in 1960 for treating anxiety and depression
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Bill Wilson is on record for having found a solution in 1960 for treating anxiety and depression using vitamin B-3 therapy and worked tir...
Bill Wilson is on record for having found a solution in 1960 for treating anxiety and depression
Bill Wilson is on record for having found a solution in 1960 for treating anxiety and depression

Bill Wilson is on record for having found a solution in 1960 for treating anxiety and depression using vitamin B-3 therapy and worked tirelessly for eleven years begging for its inclusion into A.A. r…

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10 Apr 2013
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